The annual L&D Global Sentiment Survey was created by the Learning Technologies Conference Chair, Donald H Taylor. The Learning & Development community are asked to pick which 3 L&D topics out of 16 that they think will be popular and relevant to the industry. Interactive live streaming can make a great contribution to 6 out of top 10 trends of 2023.

The 2023 Global Sentiment Survey reveals some familiar and unusual trends. Reskilling/upskilling remains the top priority for the third consecutive year, while AI, Skills-based talent management, and Learning analytics also gain significant interest from the nearly 4,000 respondents. Notably, AI and Learning analytics have defied the usual decline in popularity seen over time, indicating a shift in priorities. These findings differ from the previous two years during the pandemic, where collaborative learning and coaching were favored over technology-focused options. The rise of AI can be attributed to the launch of ChatGPT shortly before the survey, which sparked enthusiasm and altered respondents’ views. The survey also shows a return to pre-pandemic concerns, with a focus on demonstrating value to secure budgets. However, it is unclear whether this indicates a complete return to normalcy or a turning point.